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Beware Of Medicare Genetic Testing Scam

Medicare is reporting that scammers are offering “free” genetic testing and claiming Medicare will cover it though Medicare only covers genetic testing if it is ordered by your doctor as a medically necessary test. Scammers are really only offering the so-called “free” genetic testing to get your Medicare Number so they can use it to commit fraud and identity theft. They are targeting people through telemarketing calls, health fairs and knocking on doors. Do not fall for this and instead be sure to protect yourself from these scammers by never sharing your Medicare number, Social Security Number or other personal information with anyone who offers to give you a “free” in-person genetic screening or cheek swab or a DNA testing kit in the mail. If you get a genetic testing kit in the mail, Medicare suggests that you refuse the delivery or return to sender. If you suspect that you have been a victim of Medicare fraud, call 1-800-MEDICARE or feel free to contact Pine Street Legal to assist you in any fraud related problems at (215) 345-9214, [email protected].
