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Fear of Eviction Due To Nonpayment of Rent During Pandemic

During this very stressful time, many consumers are unable to make their monthly rent payments and are worried about being evicted.

However, many jurisdictions have postponed eviction proceedings during the COVID-19 crisis, prohibited utility shut-offs, limited late fees that can be assessed during this time, and taken other measures to protect vulnerable tenants. Information regarding some of these measures can be found at: https://library.nclc.org/major-consumer-protections-announced-response-covid-19#content-2.

In addition, the National Housing Project is maintaining a list of the current status of each state’s actions regarding evictions and foreclosures, which can be found at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTH8dUIbfnt3X52TrY3dEHQCAm60e5nqo0Rn1rNCf15dPGeXxM9QN9UdxUfEjxwvfTKzbCbZxJMdR7X/pubhtml#
