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Below are tips and suggestions for scams to watch out for:

Robocalls – do not respond to them, press any buttons, or provide any information. Hang up.

Emails and texts –

Be very wary of any messages about checks from the government. The stimulus payments, officially known as Economic Impact Payments, can be requested through the IRS’s website: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus-tax-relief-and-economic-impact-payments. Read more about scams to watch out for: https://www.newsweek.com/coronavirus-stimulus-check-scams-fraud-identity-theft-warning-safety-tips-irs-millions-await-1497520.

Beware of emails claiming to offer medical information. To ensure you’re getting accurate information, go to the online source yourself rather than clicking a link in an email. Double-check any information yourself before you rely on it for any decision you’ll be making or pass it on to others as factual.

Other sources – don’t click on links to websites or sources you don’t recognize or know. You could allow a virus to enter your device. Instead, search for the website or information yourself.
